
Borkowski & Meese (2021) pp. 278-294, Case Study 15-9.

From your Module 4 readings, determine and discuss the most appropriate conflict-handling style/model for each of the two scenarios belo. Be sure to include your rationale. In addition to citations from required readings, at least one outside current reference (published within the last 5 years) is required.

Distributive Model

Integravtive Model

Interactive Model

Paper Criteria : 

Short APA Paper – APA 7th edition format required

Cover page (required)

Abstract not required
Paper body outline (2-page body):
–    Intro paragraph
–    2 paragraphs (1 for each scenario)
–    Conclusion/summary paragraph
Reference page (required)

Scenario 1.A radiologist on the staff of a large community hospital was stopped after a stafff meeting by a colleague in internal medicine. On monday of the previous week, the internist referred an elderly man with chronic,productive cough for chest X-ray, with a clinical diagnosis of bronchitis. One Thursday morning,the internist received the radiologist’s written X-ray report with a diagnosis of probable bronchogenic carcinoma. The internist expressed his dismay that the radiologist had not called him much earlier with a verbal report.Visibly upset,the internist raised his voice,but did not use abusive language. How should the radiologist handle this conflict with the internist? 

Scenario 2. The partners in a medical grooup practice are informed by the clinic manager that one physician member of the group has been repeatedly upcoding procedures for a specific diagnosis. The issue first came to light 6 months ago. At that time the partners met with him, clarified the Medicare guidelines, and outlined the threat to the practice for noncompliance. He argued with their view but ultimately agreed to code appropriately. There were no infractions for several months, but now he has submitted several erroneous codes. One member of the office staff has asked whether Medicare would consider this behavior “fraudulent. How should the partners handle the situation?

Reading from Book Organizational Behavior in HealthCare. Borowski, N, Meese, K.A (2021) pages 278-288.

Types of conflict: Goal conflict: occurs when two or more desired outcomes are incompatible. Cognitive conflict: when two or more individuals ideas/thoughts are incompatible. Affective conflict:When feelings or emotions within an individual or individuals are incompatible. Procedural conflict: when people differ over process to use for resolving a particular matter.