
Read letter by Professor Bill Taylor called “A Letter to My Students”

Reflect on how your chosen professional field can be impacted by academic or professional misconduct. Research at least one example of such misconduct in your field.

  1. Compose a written research and reflection essay that meets the following specifications: 

This essay is to be written to collegiate writing standards, including citations, structure, grammar and spelling

This essay should include 3-5 sources, including Professor Taylor’s letter

  1. Professor Taylor’s letter can be cited as Taylor, Bill. (2004). Academic integrity: A letter to my students. (or according to your preferred citation style)
  2. Be sure to reference each source in-text by paraphrasing and directly quoting, as well as including in a references or works cited page

Address the following questions or prompts:

  • How do the principles put forth by Professor Taylor align with your understanding of a student’s and a professor’s commitment to integrity? How do these principles align with your personal values and sense of personal integrity?
  • Why is integrity important in your chosen professional field?

What are examples of integrity-related misconduct in your professional field? Provide (and cite) a concrete example.

  • What are the potential consequences when professionals act without integrity?

How do you want to exemplify the principles you identified in your future professional and academic work? What do you need to do going forward to achieve these ideals?