
Each group presentation will be about a topic in the chapters from the Jason Warner’s book:

  • “The Islamic State in Africa”.

? You should provide some background information such as geography,

demographics (i.e. population, ethnic/religious structure, etc.), political and

economic indicators of the country/region that you will present. The background

information should not be detailed. You do not need to use academic resources for

this. Providing a brief information with data will be enough to satisfy this


? You are required to support your presentation with at least one visual media item,

such as relevant short video documentary, or visual news item, etc.

? You can support your presentation with other academic or non-academic resources.

The presentation slides will have 1) cover slide with at least the topic, date, and name of the

  • students, 2) the background info about the related region/country, 3) the information you

acquired from the related of the Jason Warner’s book, and other resources that you can use,

4) the web-link to the visual media item, 5) four discussion questions, 6) the list of the