Socioeconomic status (SES), the combination of family income, parents’ occupations, and level of parental education, consistently predicts intelligence and achievement test scores, grades, truancy, and dropout and suspension rates (Macionis, 2019; Putnam, 2016). Researchers describe socioeconomic status using four classes—upper, middle, working, and lower—with finer distinctions within each (Macionis, 2019).

Write  a 1 1/2  to 2 page article critique utilizing the template provided below.

Upload your journal article critique with APA Student Title Page A sample can be found here:

 Please note:The questions and prompts included on the template are guides to what you may include in your narrative for each of the paragraphs. Use the Level 1 Heading "Reflection" centered on the page for the heading of your reflection paragraph. Use the Level 1 Heading "Application" also centered on the page for your application paragraph. Your first paragraph, dedicated to your summary, does not have a heading. Your article review should be 1 1/2 to 2 pages in length.