Pick one of the destination list and writing on Template & Infographic Poster

Make sure you read the Instruction and example on uploaded files. 

Choose only one of the regional destinations in Australia & New Zealand for the Audit-Template




Fraser Island

Hamilton Island






Blue Mountains

Broken Hill

Bryon Bay


Lord Howe Island


Yass Valley


Barossa Valley

Coober Pedy

Kangaroo Island


Victor Harbor

Limestone Coast


Cradle Mountain


Maria Island

Port Arthur

Wineglass Bay

Bruny Island




Great Ocean Road

Phillip Island

The Grampians







New Norcia

Margaret River


Uluru & Kata Tjuta

Alice Springs

Kakadu National Park

Litchfield National Park

Adelaide River


Queenbeyan Region

Wee Jasper

New Zealand Tongariro Arrowtown Hawke’s Bay


The Coromandel


Type: Poster "Infographic – External resource audit: Destination"

Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 2

Due Date: 27 Aug 24 16:00

Weight: 45%

Individual Task

Working INDIVIDUALLY, students independently engage in a critical evaluation of TH&E natural, cultural, and social resources of a chosen destination,identify its main management challenges, and provide management strategies to solve (preventing, mitigating, or managing) the issues.

The assessment has two parts:

Part A (Spreadsheet Audit): You are to conduct an external resource audit of a chosen regional destination (in Australia or overseas – from the list of regional destinations on Blackboard) and critically evaluate all the relevant natural, cultural and social resources for the chosen destination.

· A spreadsheet template is available on Blackboard to guide the audit process.

· You are to critically evaluate each resource's appeal, role in current visitation, sustainability, quality, and uniqueness.

· You then identify and reflect on the main management challenges and possible strategies to overcome those.

· Your completed spreadsheet must be submitted as part of this assessment, and completion provides the foundation for you to complete part B.

Part B (Infographic Poster): Based on your research and resource audit spreadsheet, you will prepare an infographic (using Canva’s or Piktochart 's Infographic free function, or similar) from a destinationmarketing perspective. An infographic is a visual representation of an idea or data, and yours should be succinct, entertaining, and eye-catching. Itshould cite the relevant literature and incorporate informative text and engaging images or graphics to appeal and explain your findings to youraudiences. ( https://www.canva.com/) (https://create.piktochart.com/infographic). Your infographic should address the following aspects:

· An overview of the destination (geographical location, types of attractions, visitor segment and statistics etc);

· A detailed audit highlighting two (2) examples of natural, cultural and social resources available at this destination. This will require you toinform on the resource i) quality, ii) uniqueness and iii) appeal for 2 natural resources, 2 cultural resources and 2 social resources;

· Explain two (2) resource management challenges for your destination. Evidence-based justification of the identified challenges isnecessary.

· Address each challenge strategically with one (1) possible management strategy that will overcome the challenge.

Your research should be based on recent academic sources (published within the past 10 years). Your reference list can be attached following the APA7 reference guide on the audit, the infographic, or a separate document.

Complex / authentic assessment using AI to support learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides emerging tools that may support students in completing this assessment task. Students may appropriately use AIin completing this assessment task. Students must clearly reference any use of AI in each instance.A failure to reference generative AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

AI Statement:

I acknowledge that I used [insert the AI/MT you used – eg. a customized version of ChatGPT 4 (OpenAI, https;//chat.openai.com/)] during the preparation of this manuscript to [insert how you used the AI/MT – eg. help me refine my phrasing]. The output from ChatGPT 4 was then significantly adapted to reflect my own style and voice. I take full responsibility for the final content of the manuscript.


I acknowledge that I used [insert AI used – eg. ChatGPT (OpenAI, https://chat.openai.com/)] to generate an initial draft outline of [insert relevant section – eg. the introduction] of this manuscript. The prompt provided for this outline was [insert prompt – eg. act as a social science researcher and write an outline for a paper advocating for change to survey design to collect more diverse participant information’.]. I adapted the outline it produced for the [insert relevant section – eg. introduction] to reflect my own argument, style, and voice. As such, the final version of the manuscript does not include any unmodified content generated by [insert AI used – eg. ChatGPT].

(AI acknowledgement adapted from: https://www.lynettepretorius.com/tag/ai-literacy/)

Submission: Your inforgraphic must be submitted to Turnitin, which is accessed from the Blackboard assignments link.



Destination Audit of Natural, Cultural and Support Tourism, Hospitality and Event Resources
INSTRUCTIONS: You need to assess ALL relevant Natural, Cultural and Social resources in your choosen destination, and classify those under the appropriate sub-typology provided here and in class. Delete all unnecessary rows. ALL infographics will at least cover the best evaluated 2 natural, 2 social and 2 cultural resources.
Name of Destination:
Natural Resources Resource name Appeal – What are the key appeal to visitors (aesthetics, location, symbolic meanings)?​ Appeal – What role does it play in current visitor activities?​ (e.g. Popularity? Use? Seasonality?) Appeal – How could the resource be made more appealing? Quality – Is it well managed from a tourism perspective?​ Quality – Is it well maintained and stable for the long term sustainability of the resource?​ Quality – What are its weaknesses and where is it vulnerable?​ Uniqueness – To what extent it is unique? Can you find this somewhere else?​ (Scale of uniqueness – local, regional, national or international) Uniqueness – What is special about the resource in this particular setting?​ (Why it is unique) Uniqueness – What makes it difficult to find somewhere else?​ (How it is unique, difficult to replicate) Challenges or threats to resource Possible management strategies to overcome threats/challenges (e.g., How might the resource be improved?) Key references
Topography (e.g. mountains, beaches, caves, volcanoes etc)
e.g. Beach This row provides an example only. Delete before you submit your Destination Audit Spreadsheet Surfers Paradise Beach 2km stretch golden sand; rolling surf, one of GC earliest beach destinations Centric location, trendy, surf thrill. Very popular. All year use (Destination GC) Highly popular, main attraction in the goald coast. Highly seasonal, although tourist can be seen across the year (Destination GC) Further development of sport events, music festivals and arts, and extension of facilities for entertainment (Destination GC). patrolled beach and Lifeguard Presence, designated swimming areas for safety and security. fenced fore dunes, signed access, well-maintained facilities, accessible and with multiple transport links (Destination GC). Local council investment along with industry investment for maintenance as cleaning and waste, dune maintenance, monitoring of water quality for swimmers (Destination GC) Limited erosion of sand dunes, stable water temperature (Destination GC) Windy, strong currents, littering from tourists. Watersport safety (Destination GC) Uniqueness at the regional level for a surfing beach nearby international airport (Destination GC). Popular and trendy , central location, adjacent to beachside accommodation, dining & shopping (Destination GC). The beach is a backdrop to other events e.g. Supercars GC 600 race, free art and culture events, Schoolies. It is the main beach at the Goald Coast city (Destination GC). overuse, maintenance not sustained for beach or surrounding precinct, decline in support infrastructure, climate change – too hot, waters polluted, shark attacks, stingers (Destination GC). arrange mantainance according to use (post event cleanups, post-weekend mantainance) (Destination GC). Destination Surfers Paradise, Tourism Queensland Visitor Data (2021) etc
Climate (temperature, sunshine, rainfall, seasonality etc)
Hydrology (lakes, rivers, waterfalls, hot springs etc)
Wildlife (e.g. mammals, birds, reptiles etc)
Vegetation (e.g. forests, wildflowers etc)
Cultural Resources Resource name Appeal – What are the key appeal to visitors (aesthetics, location, symbolic meanings)?​ Appeal – What role does it play in current visitor activities?​ (e.g. Popularity? Use? Seasonality?) Appeal – How could the resource be made more appealing? Quality – Is it well managed from a tourism perspective?​ Quality – Is it well maintained and stable for the long term sustainability of the resource?​ Quality – What are its weaknesses and where is it vulnerable?​ Uniqueness – To what extent it is unique? Can you find this somewhere else?​ (Scale of uniqueness – local, regional, national or international) Uniqueness – What is special about the resource in this particular setting?​ (Why it is unique) Uniqueness – What makes it difficult to find somewhere else?​ (How it is unique, difficult to replicate) Challenges or threats to resource Possible management strategies to overcome threats/challenges (e.g., How might the resource be improved?) Key references
Historical (e.g. aboriginal sites, old buildings, museums, graveyards, heritage districts etc)
Contemporary Culture (architecture, ethnic neighbourhoods, art, performing arts, music, crafts, food & drink etc)
Economic (e.g. living economic activity like farms, mines, manufacturing)
Retail & Events (e.g. markets, festivals, world fairs, re-enactments, mega malls etc)
Support Resources Resource name Appeal – What are the key appeal to visitors (aesthetics, location, symbolic meanings)?​ Appeal – What role does it play in current visitor activities?​ (e.g. Popularity? Use? Seasonality?) Appeal – How could the resource be made more appealing? Quality – Is it well managed from a tourism perspective?​ Quality – Is it well maintained and stable for the long term sustainability of the resource?​ Quality – What are its weaknesses and where is it vulnerable?​ Uniqueness – To what extent it is unique? Can you find this somewhere else?​ (Scale of uniqueness – local, regional, national or international) Uniqueness – What is special about the resource in this particular setting?​ (Why it is unique) Uniqueness – What makes it difficult to find somewhere else?​ (How it is unique, difficult to replicate) Challenges or threats to resource Possible management strategies to overcome threats/challenges (e.g., How might the resource be improved?) Key references
Geographical proximity (distance from core target markets)
Affordability (e.g. price, perceived value, exchange rates etc)
Infrastructure (e.g. visitor centres, transport hubs, unique sites/ interpretation centres, zoos, theme parks, accommodation options, restaurants/ bars etc)
THE policies (e.g. visas, marketing support, incentives, partnerships; existence of Tourism Board? etc)

APA7 Referencesa